großartig: gravestmor :: architectural ephemera

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rockt: studio 804, via nyt

The Homewood was designed by architect Patrick Gwynne in the 1930s as a home for himself and his family. It fully expresses the style and design ideals of the Modern Movement, while at the same time reflecting may aspects of the country house in the way it was used by the family.

As access to the Homewood is limited, this selection of virtual views has been created to give an impression of the spaces within and around the house. It requires the QuickTime plug-in

National Trust > Homewood: Virtual views

Via NYT: Mitchell Owens, In Britain, to the Bauhaus Born

Abb.: With every appliance still useable, the kitchen in Chris Kirk's apartment is enveloped in aluminum foil.

The Olympian: Friends foil Olympia man's home via smarty pants (sehr nettes Weblog).