Keine Ahnung, wer Chuck Klosterman ist. Aber die Buchkritik habe ich sehr gerne gelesen. Könnte ich öfter vertragen, solche Buchkritiken. Hier ein kleiner Ausschnitt:

Klosterman is, quite simply and almost literally, an ass. His soft, saggy face bears a disturbing resemblance to a 50-year-old man’s failing, hairless back end. His tiny, red mouth is a sphincter twisting to a pained close 40 seconds after taking a brutal pounding from Peter North. To round it out, he has a mop of ironically uncombed, dyed-yellow hair and thick-rimmed glasses that look like they were placed on the ass as a frat prank, like a wig and sunglasses thrown on an old jack-o-lantern.

All of which might lend Klosterman some pathos if he didn’t brag so much about his heterosexual conquests and quasi-cynical manipulation of scores of alleged girlfriends. More disturbing are his obsessions with teen and pre-teen pop culture, as exemplified by a creepy essay on Saved by the Bell.

Turning again to his dust-jacket photo, one sees the Chuck Klosterman saggy ass-head attached to a torso wearing a loose, white t-shirt–a t-shirt that looks suspiciously as if it had been stretched in a struggle. I would bet that when that picture was taken, Klosterman was wearing nothing other than that stretched, white t-shirt…and perhaps a pair of black socks.

In other words, he looks like a sex offender. And sentences like "I can’t watch a minute of professional soccer without feeling like I’m looking at a playground of desperate, depressed fourth-graders…"–or "When I say ‘my guys,’ I am referring to a collection of scrappy, rag-tag, mostly unremarkable fourth- and fifth-graders…"–don’t help.

Coming off as a sex offender is one thing. But Klosterman is worse than that: He’s a one-man prose polluter, a living WMD employing the dummy ass-head as a delivery system. And I will forever hate this ass-creature for the pain and suffering he has caused me.

NYPress: The Flip-Flop King: The All-Annoying Eye of Chuck Klosterman via gawker

He and his kind have won.

so sieht das aus.

Das ist wahrscheinlich der Chuck Klosterman, der vor zwei Jahren "Fargo Rock City. A Heavy Metal Odyssey in Rural Nörth Daköta" veröffentlicht hat. Wurde in der NYT sogar zweimal besprochen [1/2].Dieses wortgewaltig-absurde Ablästern über Klostermans Aussehen ist aber doch nicht der richtige Weg.


aussehen geht immer und es finden sich auch immer welche, die meinen, das man daran keine kritik festmachen sollte. egal.