argh. malorama. wörterberg. mediumflow.

die word bursts bei daypop. schöne poetische liste, vollautomatisch generiert.

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Ich kann nicht aufhören, das elegante CSS-Layout von turba.antville zu bestaunen. Und stehlen zu wollen. Aber auch dafür bin ich schlicht zu doof.

top ten

statistischer text (1965)

duct tape guys.


  1. The destruction of house, capitalism, fascism & NASA

The junglenaut is the adventurer who gives the sound system shuttle escape velocity & gravity its defeat & sees her/himself confronted with the 4 horse riders of gravity who don't want to lose their Newtonian status quo to the entropy of Luther Blissett. JUNGLE AAA doesn't keep up with the 19th & 20th-century romantics of the streetfighter & cityguerillo, it is not some sort of crypto Bakuninist or micro-communist variation of the old socialist tendencies who, like in Star Wars, want to fight fire with fire.JUNGLE AAA is disgusted with the dichotomy of their 'us' Vs. 'them' ideology & is preparing to wave goodbye to this linearity together with the narrow minded dogmas of the gravity revelling quartet from the rear window of SS Photek, while those who stay behind rule their own garbage & Faithless and Underworld will finally find their habitat on the worn out soil of dystopy earth.To practise triolectical ways of thinking here on earth, the AAA has developed 3-sided football to oppose the subliminal, omnipresent group thinking of the establishment & the institutionalised anti-establishment. But the JUNGLE AAA's metavolution has more tools than just 3-sided football, dubplates & 808s; using D.I.Y. robotics, micro sound systems, schockwaves, UAOs, data-tsunamis, semiotixscatching & syncretixsampledalia JUNGLE AAA's discokrakers will simultaneously frustrate the audiostrata of everyday life on multiple planes.

  1. Breakdancing in space

NASA's 404s confuse Star Trek's retro futurism with the hollow chewing gum that space really is. AAA neuro funkateers refuse to cooperate in a space fantasy which extrapolate gravicapital notions like labour, profit & egoism into the wild skies; nie wieder John Wayne, nie wieder 'It's quiet here, too quiet'.


Jungle AAA manifesto via Jungle Association of Autonomous Astronauts via ; noise theory. gabber avant-gardism. disco socialism. urban experiments. autonomous spacetravel via GPS drawing via 0000ff - the weblog, thx that saved my day.  

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