council house facelift

wort: beschweigen

["das kommunikative beschweigen der vergangenheit", in einem sz-artikel über die salzburger festspiele zwischen 38 und 45. "kommunikativ" hätte ich rausgestrichen.]

Lustreisen, Damen, Liebesdienste.

immer, wenn ich die wendung expliziter sex lese, frage ich mich, was impliziter sex sein könnte.

großartig: grant barrett > double-tongued word wrester. a growing dictionary of old and new words from the fringes of english.

Double-Tongued Word Wrester records words as they enter and leave the English language. It focuses upon slang, jargon, and other niche categories which include new, foreign, hybrid, archaic, obsolete, and rare words. Special attention is paid to the lending and borrowing of words between the various Englishes and other languages, even where a word is not a fully naturalized citizen in its new language.


[please call stella.] sehr hypnotisierend. das speech accent archive lässt 376 menschen mit den verschiedensten muttersprachen (bafang, dari, fanti, farsi etc.) ein und denselben englischen absatz lesen.


bzzzpeek is presenting a collection of 'onomatopoeia' from around the world using sound recordings from native speakers imitating the sounds of mainly animals and vehicles.

This project focuses on the pronunciation and comparison of these sounds by presenting them side by side as each language expresses them differently. is an interactive experience inviting everybody to contribute.

Among the words are: carabistouilles: blunder, mildly dishonest trash talking; cagoterie: zealous, bigoted devotion; fla-fla: self-consciously pretentious, à la keeping up with the Jones’s, and suivez-moi-jeune-homme: (literally: follow-me-young-mans) the ribbons on women’s bonnets.
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