seit tagen frage ich mich, ob weiß das neue alu ist. wie alu die neue transparenz war.

I decide to take a self portrait in front of the door I often pass where "Psycho Bitch" is written without any apparent context. I do not know what is on the other side of the door.

HISTOIRES PARALLELES: fotos, mikrogeschichten im adamprocect

ich glaube ja nicht, dass bezahlter lebensabschnittsgefährte eine gute geschäftsidee ist.

quarlo, sommer.

Everyone knows you are a pathetic social climber who will go to any discusting means to move up the ladder. But guess what Michele, you will never move up the ladder because I am at the top and people like me hate people like you.
In June 2003 the brutal break-up e-mail quoted above was fired off by Paul Kelly Tripplehorn, Jr., an intern employed in the office of a U.S. Senator from Texas, Kay Bailey Hutchison, to his now-former girlfriend, Michele. And once again, an e-mail meant for just one recipient escaped into the wilds of the Internet and caused untold embarrassment and professional difficulties for its originator.

Siehe auch Metafilter: Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Müsste man auch mal untersuchen: Die Medizinalisierung des Alltagslebens. "Skin Serum" im Badezimmerschrank. Die Sterilverpackungen der Einzelteile des Ipods. Die Mikro-Adjustments durch Nahrungsergänzungsstoffe. Und so weiter.

esas, switzerland


  • She was really.....
  • Such a sweet girl.
  • She was a nice girl.
  • Radiating sweetness.
  • I’d never use a girl like her.
  • No, but look, women like that: I’ll fuck you tonight but tomorrow I won’t know you anymore.
  • That’s the difference, some sluts:
  • You chat them up and fuck them the same night.
  • Yeah, but you can spot that, which ones are like that.

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