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Other spouses set more elaborate traps. Stuart, a 31-year-old TV producer, created a fake profile on Craigslist that he knew would attract his boyfriend of ten years. Almost immediately, he got an e-mail from said boyfriend, complete with photo and invitation to drop by their apartment sometime. “He’s an ass,” says Stuart. “Of course, I’ve never confronted him about it because I’m totally cheating on Craigslist myself.”

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(wollte ich auch schon mal machen. mit m. die idee, ganz genau zu wissen, wie ich es anstellen müsste. der thrill, anders sein zu müssen als ich bin, um nicht aufzufliegen, aber nahe genug an mir, um das gut machen zu können und andererseits um dem beuteschema zu genügen. usw. ich habe es natürlich dann doch nicht gemacht und ihr stattdessen erzählt, dass ich darüber nachgedacht hätte. sie war ein wenig enttäuscht darüber. sexyness des verrates. identity blurs. laclos replays.)

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Her media coach - remember this is America - suggested that she should do something about it. The finest plastic surgeon money can buy was consulted and he advised a few other discreet nips and tucks. Before she knew it Evanovich was having the Full Monty to get rid of her "sagging jawline".

She checked into a New York clinic, spent a night in the lap of luxury, and awoke the following morning with an allergic reaction. "My eyes were streaming and I couldn't stop sneezing. They sent me home. No face lift!"

So she went to Tiffany's and bought herself some diamonds "to distract attention from my droopy eyelid and my chins".


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Someone has asked you to make the couples seem more attractive, and you've focused on the teeth and the whites of their eyes. And instead of using the many "contrast" or "levels" tools available in Photoshop or other image manipulation programs, you are simply painting white onto their teeth and eyes. With a brush the size of a plunger.

Michelle Arenas, Williamsburg, NY: Offener Brief an den Retuscheur der New York Times Style Section

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