Vielleicht solltest du dir vorher aber lieber doch noch die True Porn Clerk Stories durchlesen:
Contamination is everywhere. I see people sneezing onto the tape cases. They cough wetly into their palms right before handing me change. They squeegee out their ears with their pinkies. They forget about the security cameras downstairs and pick their noses with wild abandon and astonishing force. Still, the only thing that realy freaks me out is the semen. Well, OK, the lubricant freaks me out too, but I'm pretty sure that's because of the implied presence of semen.The only thing we can do is use the hand sanitizer. I use it so much that I lose all finger traction and can't open our plastic bags. I've had days when I've used it so much that I can't even make fingerprints on the glass countertop. It freaks me out, but the thought of not using it is worse.
Sometimes people get animalistic about the tapes. For the real addicts (I'm convinced that porn is like alcohol: some people can stop at just one every now and then, some people just binge on weekends, and some people get genuinely, horribly addicted) the reptilian brain kicks in. They hit the magic portion of the tape and they're done. They pop out the tape and slam in another one, and the next day the stack comes back, unrewound and covered in goo.
Repeat offenders get a note on their file that says "LUBE WARNING". Management policy is that for $6.50 an hour, clerks should not have to deal with the bodily fluids of others. The first time we discreetly but firmly remind the customer that the tapes need to come back clean. The second time we hand him the tape, the Windex, and the paper towels and tell him to clean off the tape in full view of whoever else is at the counter.
It astonishes me that someone could actually forget to clean off his sticky and/or slippery tapes, but what amazes me even more is that people actually have the balls to argue with us about it. They always claim they got the tapes that way. They will actually claim that the spooge in question was missed by both the clerk that checked it in and the clerk that checked it back out, and that they figured what the hell, they'd go ahead and play it, even though it was covered in gel.
One guy brought back a DVD with a big white thumbprint of come on it. He actually tried to argue with me: "That's not mine. I never even played that! I never even took it out of the case!"
guter einwand!
ich habe zwar in meinem leben nicht viele shitjobs gemacht(siehe auch den redaktionsthread), aber ich habe mal in einem sexshop gearbeitet, weniger wegen dem geld(es war nicht viel und letztlich war ich dort auch nur 2 tage, weil der chefe probleme mit der staatsanwaltschaft hatte und mich nicht mehr schwarz beschaeftigen wollte), mehr wegen der chance, sowas mal rein soziologisch zu betrachten. da waren schoten dabei... ich werde mal meine aufzeichnungen digitalisieren... demnaechst im sexblog vielleicht..
jedenfalls: dort gab es auch videoverleih, aber an handschuhe hab ich nicht gedacht. ich war froh, das ich waehrend meiner probezeit nicht die videokabinen putzen musste ;-)
fast noch klebriger als die videos
waren meine referendariatskollegen, die, wenn sie mich damals hinter der ausleihtheke gesehen haben, fast erstickt sind und schnell lieber rotkäppchen aus der kinderabteilung mitgenommen haben. für die (den?) lieben kleinen.
also, d.h. nicht statt.meiner.einer, sondern
zum glück gibt es ja heute tempo doppelreissfest mit dreifachnässeschutz. das macht doch vieles leichter, glaube ich.
solche kamen bei mir auch rein: typisches studenten der sozialpaedagogik outfit, halblanges haar, nickelbrille, birkenstock und dann anal exterm 1-10 zurueckgeben floet, es war nur fuer studienzwecke.
nicht studienzwecke :-) aber stimmt. es waren immer die sozwisspolit-jungs :-)
Ziemlich gut erzählt, die Geschichten!