Topic: Arbeit am Gefuehl
I began to keep a list of these delightful salutations: HI, Mseligman; Hello Soowee; Hello Snaper; flyingscot1; Hello Smorrison23; Tjhedrick; Hey there Deblack; Hey There Zett; Fparente; Souciep; healthslif; Sparrott1; Hi! Fariel aWagothea; Sparrish3; Sowders; vale; Spgross; icq; Chakkaboy, now is the time; Howdy Sparrow1257ss; Sparma1, you decide; Hello Sparkinson; Dear serge101; Hi rhino6; Dear silverpepper; Dear soggyloafr; Dear sonman2; Dgosch; Chukkaboy, PbUO; Tlyowbken.
I love these names — temporary, awkward, apt. They seem expressive of my inner selves.
NYT: Spam I Am
praschl | 12. August 03 | 0 Kommentare
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