But Larry's name is pronounced ZHEE-lee, or as he likes to say, "rhymes with really."

As in really, really silly, which is the kindest way to describe this hopelessly misconceived exercise in celebrity self-worship, which opens to nationwide ridicule today.

So gehen Verrisse: die NYT über Ms. Lopez und Mr. Affleck in "Gigli".

Charles Taylor verteidigt den Film:

As is often the case with movies that have poisonous advance word of mouth, "Gigli" turns out to be merely bad -- not a train wreck, not the crime against humanity it's been rumored to be. That, and the fact that it's fashionable to hate Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez right now, will probably do nothing to discourage the predictable pig pile of critics trying to outdo each other by seeing who can be the most dismissive or scathing. After all, nobody wants to look like the class nerd.

Wobei ich sagen muß, daß Taylor nicht zu meinen favorisierten Salon-Schreibern gehört (das sind in der Entertainment-Sektion Laura Miller und Stephanie Zecharek). Besonders seine scharfe Kritik am letzten Godard nehme ich ihm noch übel.