3. Bloggers Rise and Fall: For a few years, no one blogs alone. People come together all over the world to create an emergent international democracy. Dreams are put forward of a global civil society, and global governmental institutions that set limits on the power of wealthy families and large corporations. For a moment, it seems possible that democracy and the commons will prosper. Blogger Councils and organizations like Moveon, Changemakers, and Commonweal, reassert the rights of ordinary people. "Hyperlinks subvert hierarchy." Government and philanthropy become transparent and accountable to ordinary citizens. Heaven on earth. Then, it is discovered that the top 400 families and the top 500 corporations have been moving their wealth offshore, and have effectively defunded America, leaving bloggers with Paypal for pensions, medicare, and medicaid. The Bahamas are thriving. NY is not. Compromises are made, and wealth and industry flow back on their own terms, softened by largess, and trumpeted by captive media. Once again, justice is served and all are as happy as reasonably possible in the best of all possible worlds, where most things are a necessary evil.

Happy Tutor, Wealth Bondage via Rottweiler jr.

Madame G doesn't "live in Manhattan," she dwells in a 4,000 square foot marble palace on the East Side, except when at her country estate. I have been trying to recruit her to help us in our Philanthropic Efforts here at WB. If you would like to be instructed in the Perverse Joys of Giving by a whip-wielding scion of the Filthy Rich, let me know, and I may be able to set up a seance. If you are worth $10 mil or more Madame G might find you and your shrunken little net worth amusing. Strictly pro bono publico.

Candidia Cruikshanks, Wealth Bondage