Topic: Links: Respekt
Im Spectator: Die Geschichte einer Frau, die mit 55 beschließt, Escort zu werden. Was ein Euphemismus ist. Worüber sie schreibt. In zuweilen schönen bourgeoisen Sätzen:
To believe that a sexual liaison, because it is brief, must be loveless is to close one’s mind to possibility. My mind was wide open to possibility.
20. November 2002 um 01:10:05 MEZ
Bourgeoise Sätze - Freie Assoziation
I don't care if we're aiming for a long-term-relationship or for a one-night-stand. but you have to understand that it's gotta be perfect. Either for the rest of our lives or for a single night. You choose."
Ein sehr hübscher Franzose. An einem griechischen Strand. zu mir. 1988.