Topic: Abenteuerspielplatz
sknecht | 25. Oktober 07 | 4 Kommentare
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25. Oktober 2007 um 09:30:57 MESZ
You assume a steady membership, but it is in fact growing by 200.000 users per day. The international versions havn't even started and the value of the open API has not yet been explored. So how will this change the numbers?
25. Oktober 2007 um 10:27:37 MESZ
OT: dear "milchbroetchen" - you are linking to a rather obscure site "treehugginpussy". I appreciate your crisp and insightful commentary - but could please change to a relevant identity?
25. Oktober 2007 um 11:44:11 MESZ
sorry, its my blog, but the harddisc is resting in front of me right now, so its offline right now. The link is all good and sound, but feel free to remove it.
25. Oktober 2007 um 14:11:05 MESZ
bot-check passed: nice to have you here!