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The Top 10 brands of 2003

#1 - Mercedes (112 mentions)

Mercedes wins by a massive margin, with more than twice its nearest competitor. Mercedes has been a rap brand of choice for many years. At least as early as 1988's NWA album Straight Outta Compton - "Me and Lorenzo, rollin' in a Benz-o." Mercedes has been a particular favorite with 50 Cent in 2003, mentioned in 4 of his 6 chart hits. And the brand has been in the #1 Billboard song for 13 weeks this year. In the 12th April chart, Mercedes was mentioned in 4 separate songs.

#2 - Lexus (48 mentions)

Lexus jumped into the brand chart in February with R Kelly's Ignition, and shot up the charts to reach #2 by May where it was mentioned in three separate songs in one week. However, by August, when Busta Rhymes left the top 20, nobody else mentioned it. Although it is still at #2, it's under strong threat from other brands.

#3 - Gucci (47 mentions)

Gucci rapidly became the bling-bling fashion brand of choice. It got its frist two references in March and never looked back. The brand was mentioned by everyone from Ginuwine to Busta Rhymes and Mariah Carey to Bow Wow to 50 Cent. Now that Tom Ford has left, we'll see whether Gucci keeps up in 2004.

#4 - Cadillac (46 mentions)

As Cadillac the brand found its footing in the real world, it also began to shoot up the American Brandstand chart. It joined the American Brandstand at #37 in April with Lil Kim's Cadillac Escalade in 'The Jump Off', but with the help of Youngbloodz, 50 Cent and Outkast, it's still moving higher at #3. Our favorite Cadillac reference in 2003... "Don't want to meet your daddy / Just want you in my Caddie" (Outkast - Hey Ya)

#5 - Burberry (42 mentions)

Burberry the brand had a very volatile year. Its renewed vigor was reflected with a big boost in the Brandstand chart. Towards the end of the Summer, a story emerged that Burberry was less than happy with its hip-hop association. Then in October, a new story that it was becoming associated as the brand of football hooligans in Europe.

#6 - Prada (39 mentions)

Prada got a name check in 50 Cent's 'P.I.M.P' that set it up strongly, but it was then supported in Ginuwine's Hell Yeah, and elsewhere. The general strength and visibility of the brand in looks set to boost it even further in 2004.

#7 - Cristal (37 mentions)

Cristal has been the hip-hop drink of choice for a couple of years, partly based around its bling-bling packaging, but also its scarcity. It fought off increased competition this year - from Hennessy and Bacardi - to end up at #7. Our favorite Cristal reference in 2003... "You can't even drink Crist-OWL / You gotta drink Crist-ALL" (Jay-Z - Excuse Me Miss)

#8 - Hennessy (35 mentions)

The success of Hennessy this year has begun to suggest that passing the Courvoisier might have been short-term success at the expense of longer term overkill. Hennessy, like Mercedes, has been a staple brand of hip-hop lyrics. Set to move higher still in 2004.

#9 - Lamborghini (34 mentions)

Lamborghini managed to make it to #8 in the American Brandstand based on mentioned in two long-lasting chart songs, 'Magic Stick' by Lil' Kim & 50 Cent and 'I Know What You Want' by Busta Rhymes & Mariah Carey - where it also scored a very prominent video appearance.

#10 - Chevrolet (33 mentions)

Chevrolet got mentions in two songs this year, I Know What You want by Busta Rhymes & Mariah Carey, and Damn! by Youngbloodz

perfect curce cap curver [via pdw]

aus der bunten:

Poesie per SMS: Schauspielerin Tina Ruland, 37, und der Berliner Alain Rahmou, 40, sind seit zehn Monaten ein Paar. Jetzt bekamen Freunde diese Handynachricht: "Nur wer noch Chaos in sich hat, kann einen tanzenden Stern gebären. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir ab Winter zu dritt sein werden und unsere Welt noch ein bisschen heller sein wird. Tina & Alain." BUNTE gratuliert.
sollte man ihnen eigentlich simsen, dass das (falsch zitierte) zitat so weitergeht:
Wehe! Es kommt die Zeit, wo der Mensch keinen Stern mehr gebären wird. Wehe! Es kommt die Weit des verächtlichsten Menschen, der sich selber nicht mehr verachten kann.
wenn wir schon dabei sind: die very disturbing google request. und diese hier: "der kopf ist rund, blablabbla. und diese auch noch: "lebe wild und gefährlich, arthur.

gestern seit sehr langer zeit wieder in einer messe gewesen, bei einer taufe, wir hatten also einen grund. m nach einigen minuten: "ihr katholen seid so seltsam", ich: "wieso katholen? das ist doch eindeutig protestantisch". nach einer halben stunde wollte ich ihr beweisen, dass ich recht hatte, auch vor gott muss ich ein rechthaber sein, und zog das gesangsbuch zu rate: "katholisches gesangsbuch für das erzbistum hamburg". schön ökonomisch darin allerdings die gebete für unseren papst N. und unseren bischof N. ach ja, und die eine ministrantin trug orange turnschuhe unter der kutte. ach ja, herr pfarrer, und es ist eine erbärmliche, verachtenswerte, abscheuliche schäbigkeit, wenn einem in einer predigt gegen die verzweckung des menschen durch den menschen als beispiel ausgerechnet eine eheschließung nicht um des anderen menschen willen, sondern um eine aufenthaltsgenehmigung zu erschleichen einfällt. hölle, hölle, hölle.

umlaut enforcement