Die FIFA ist "eine gemeinnützige Vereinigung".

One New Yorker, who calls himself BigBigBigBoy in one of his online accounts, has a technique called "triangulation" that he has shared with friends. First he meets someone online, gets her in a chat room and finds out all her likes (say, Shakespeare and horses) and dislikes (football). Then he abruptly breaks off contact. Later he logs on using a different name and starts up a new conversation, assuming all the traits she favors ("I love reading 'Hamlet' while riding my Shetland pony when my friends are watching the Super Bowl").

Newsweek > February 19, 2001, U.S. Edition

"ich hab eine eigene homepage, sie heisst so wie ich, aber da kommst du nicht rauf, weil ich genauso heiße wie ein pornostar, deswegen ist die jetzt passwortgeschützt. das passwort habe ich leider vergessen."