thor kunkel hat auch eine website. auf der lässt er sich von stern, spiegel, fr, focus, buchreport und zeit loben, kündigt er die hörbuch-fassung von brief an hanny porter ("neu! ab september 2002!") an, fotos aus dem mojo club und dem goethe institut, backgroundposerfoto: hose mit daumen runtergezupft, kein schamhaar, aber ein bißchen gestrüpp auf der brust, freilich schütter, walser-quote über kunkel aus der taz, europäischer nomade, leviswerbung, branche, friedhoffoto,rowohlt-kontakt, schopenhauer zeitlos wie eh und je, vitalismus, müsst einen nicht wundern, wenn das sauerstoffangereichertes wasser, rafting-kurse, energetisierende augenfaltencreme wäre.

schön, die blogroll von knuspi

photograph of george s. patton as he urinated into the rhine river, march 1945

Later, he sent the following communique to Eisenhower: "Dear SHAEF, I have just pissed into the Rhine River. For God's sake, send some gasoline." This photo is the edited version (Patton's urine stream has been eliminated by an Army censor).

Internet auction site eBay has been hit by a new craze in which sellers appear naked in reflections on goods they're selling. "Reflectoporn" is said to have started in the US and now British exhibitionists have caught on. Sellers take a photo of the object they're auctioning in the nude -and their naked body is reflected in its polished surface, reports the Daily Record. Naked bodies have been spotted on electric guitars, knives and forks.

reflectoporn via metal machine music aka dance to the radio aka communists like us

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