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sonic nurse: großes album. die alte goo-euphorie wieder, nach all den jahren.

New Yorker > Sasha Frere-Jones: Doom's Day. Madvillain redeems the pretensions of independent hip-hop.

Liesl Müller rockt, in a way.

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"i, john": unfassbar gute cd. echt, jetzt.

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score, baby!

Ludwig Wittgenstein's only known musical work had its world premiere last week in Cambridge. It is called, according to the title that he had pencilled above his two-line score, Leidenschaftlich (in English, "Passionate"). At four bars, it lasts less than 30 seconds and is little more than a powerful, fiery flourish.
4 takte wittgenstein uraufgeführt

The upshot of all this is clear enough. Even with George Harrison rapidly turning into a seething ball of anti-McCartney resentment, John Lennon momentarily lost to heroin, Yoko Ono sitting threateningly next to him and a film crew recording their every argument and belch, The Beatles were brilliant. Oh, and one other thought: this is the last thing Phil Spector needs, eh?

stimmt alles, brilliant.