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WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 (AP) — Despite the nation's struggle with obesity, the Agriculture Department says, more and more American families are hungry or unsure whether they can afford to buy food.

About 12 million families last year worried that they did not have enough money for food, and 32 percent of them experienced someone's going hungry at one time or another, the agency said in a report released on Friday.

Nearly 3.8 million families were hungry last year to the point that someone in the household skipped meals because the family could not afford them. That is 8.6 percent more families than in 2001, when 3.5 million were hungry, and a 13 percent increase from 2000.

ap via nyt: More U.S. Families Hungry or Too Poor to Eat, Study Says

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Gestern kurz das Musik Promotion Network angetestet, jene innovative Branchenlösung, die ab Anfang 2004 dazu führt, dass die meisten Majors und Indies keine Besprechungs-CDs mehr an Musikjournalisten versenden. Geht ja auch im Internet. Unangenehme Sache, einerseits: lange Ladezeiten, grausig gestaltete Benutzeroberfläche, mit 36 kbs codierte Real-Audio-Streams. Andererseits passt so etwas perfekt zu der Musik, mit der man da bemustert wird, andererseits haben es 99,99999 Prozent aller Musikjournalisten, die schon längst noch viel mieser schreiben als zum Beispiel Motorjournalisten, eh nicht besser verdient, andererseits verringert das deutlich den Sondermüll, andererseits sollte eh jeder Depp, der Deppenplatten bei Deppenauktionen an andere Deppen verkaufen will, gepiesackt werden. Und die Gebrauchsanweisung (pdf) der innovativen Branchenlösung sagt deutlicher als jede kulturkritische Gardinenpredigt oder jeder Adorno-Essay über die Kulturindustrie, was aus der Musik unter den Bedingungen von Mehrwert-, Schrott- und Deppenproduktion geworden ist.


4-stop putting out shitty records. people don't associate music with value because most record labels put out valueless music. and they know it. their goal is to get a single on the radio and then put out a crummy album that will sell on the strength of the single with no thought to artistry or artist development. they don't sign artists based on artistic merit, they sign artists if the artists look and sound like the other artists on radio and mtv, and that's a recipe for long-term musical and corporate disaster. if you consistently make a crummy product then at some point people will lose interest in you and your crummy product, and they certainly won't be willing to pay for your crummy product.

5-stop persecuting people who are music fans. people who engage in file-sharing are people who like music. you can't make people feel guilty about loving and listening to music. the record companies need to see people who engage in file-sharing as music fans and not as criminals.


moby tour diary > 5.9.2003: changing industry via de:bug_news

popkomm 2003: olli p, wolfgang clement, dieter gorny, jeanette biedermann. noch fragen zur krise der musikindustrie?

But, compared with people who don’t have children, people who do are in worse economic shape than they’ve ever been in. The Harvard law professor Elizabeth Warren and her daughter Amelia Warren Tyagi demonstrate, in their forthcoming book “The Two-Income Trap,” that having a child is now the best indicator of whether someone will end up in “financial collapse.” Married couples with children are twice as likely as childless couples to file for bankruptcy. They’re seventy-five per cent more likely to be late paying their bills. And they’re also far more likely to face foreclosure on their homes. Most of these people are not, by the usual standards, poor. They’re middle-class couples who are in deep financial trouble in large part because they have kids.

new yorker: the financial page. leave no parent behind

auf einer 24 stuendigen busfahrt von la paz nach lima wurden zunaechst 16 stunden lang filme mit chuck norris gezeigt. non stop. dann fiel die videoanlage aus. um die aufgebrachten mitreisenden zu besaenftigen, spielte der busfahrer daraufhin die restlichen 8 stunden ununterbrochen dj bobos "celebrations". die betrachtung der andenlandschaften hat dies auf entschieden hinterhaeltige weise beeinflusst.

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