
4-stop putting out shitty records. people don't associate music with value because most record labels put out valueless music. and they know it. their goal is to get a single on the radio and then put out a crummy album that will sell on the strength of the single with no thought to artistry or artist development. they don't sign artists based on artistic merit, they sign artists if the artists look and sound like the other artists on radio and mtv, and that's a recipe for long-term musical and corporate disaster. if you consistently make a crummy product then at some point people will lose interest in you and your crummy product, and they certainly won't be willing to pay for your crummy product.

5-stop persecuting people who are music fans. people who engage in file-sharing are people who like music. you can't make people feel guilty about loving and listening to music. the record companies need to see people who engage in file-sharing as music fans and not as criminals.


moby tour diary > 5.9.2003: changing industry via de:bug_news

Stimmt leider nicht. Die Leute geben lustvoll Geld für absoluten Dreck aus. Jeder Blick in die Charts wird das bestätigen. Sie verhalten sich nur ökonomisch, wenn sie die schlechten Produkte klauen, anstatt sie zu kaufen, speziell dann, wenn das Klauen einfacher, schneller und bequemer ist als der Kauf. Musikliebhaber sind etwa so häufig anzutreffen wie Literaturliebhaber.