Does everyone who owns an iPod give it a name? I thought that was one of my personal quirks, but apparently Mac Diva owns an iPod named Titania. Mine is Iggy, which is short for Iggy the Insane iPod, because, though I love it dearly, it has frequent schizoid episodes. One of its favorite tricks is quickly running everything on the playlist across the screen while not actually playing anything, as if to say, "Fool, here are the 700-and-some songs you've loaded that I will not let you hear." Or switching after a minute to a different song. Or playing something entirely different than what it says on the screen. This was especially disconcerting when I let my son load some of his music on there so he could take it with him on a trip. Supposedly I'm listening to Joni Mitchell, but she sounds an awful lot like Public Enemy.