Topic: Economy Class
Die New York Times über neue Karrierestrategien, nachdem es mit den New Economy-Fantastillionen doch nicht geklappt hat.
But something about that hot dog documentary caught his attention. "I noticed that everybody who was being interviewed was happy," Mr. Benavidez said. "The people who worked behind the counters, the owners, the customers, they were all smiling. I told my girlfriend, `I want to make people that happy.' " A few hours later, Mr. Benavidez said, he had an epiphany: "I'll do hot dogs."Schön auch die Formulierung von den neu kalibrierten Unternehmern:
Instead of spending billions to build a global brand, these recalibrated entrepreneurs are spending a few thousand dollars to make it big, or at least medium, in their own neighborhoods. They are opening concession stands, spas and bakeries, many with a post-millennial twist. Mr. Benavidez, for example, spent weeks searching for the perfect hot dog before settling on a hormone-free beef frank from grass-fed cattle on a California ranch.
16. August 2002 um 18:10:09 MESZ
passt dann ja auch das hier, über die Unterschiede zwischen München und den USA.
18. August 2002 um 23:12:39 MESZ
Das wird sich schon bald radikal ändern, glaube ich.