Topic: Fotografie
Die Gottscho-Schleisner Collection ist eines der poetischsten und rätselhaftesten Archive, das ich kenne: Die Sammlung
"is comprised of over 29,000 images primarily of architectural subjects, including interiors and exteriors of homes, stores, offices, factories, historic buildings, and other structures. Subjects are concentrated chiefly in the northeastern United States, especially the New York City area, and Florida. Included are the homes of notable Americans, such as Raymond Loewy, and of several U.S. presidents, as well as color images of the 1939-40 New York World's Fair. Many of the photographs were commissioned by architects, designers, owners and architectural publications, and document important achievements in American 20th-century architecture and interior design."Was ich an diesem Archiv mag, ist jene Faszination, die man auch empfindet, wenn man nachts durch fremde Städte wandert und in Wohnungen guckt, deren Bewohner vergessen haben, die Vorhänge zuzuziehen. Das nebenstehende Foto ist eine von 100 Fundstellen auf die Anfrage "sofa" und hat die caption: "Mr. George Daub, residence at 2123 Delancey Place, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Living room sofa and dog."
praschl | 10. Januar 01 | 0 Kommentare
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