Das ist eine der Websites, bei denen man dann nicht mehr weiß, ob sie einen glücklich machen oder in Tränen ausbrechen lassen.

Have you noticed that there are fragments of audiotape flapping in the wind?

Strands can be found all over the world, in gutters, snagged on trees, wherever tape players have ventured it seems they have chewed, snarled and spat too.

These fragments create a shifting inaudible soundscape that goes unnoticed. Some of the strands have travelled far, they are worn and battered but with careful attention and re-spooling, succumb to listening.

The fact that music can cross boundaries is well known, but this is physical, it really does.

Magnetic Migration Music made a tape gathering trip to the Pas de Calais in France, a migration bottleneck of Europe where the Red Cross set up the Sangatte camp for asylum seekers. Thousands of refugees find themselves at Sangatte next to the channel tunnel and the ferry terminals as they aim west towards the UK. During the trip 16 migrating tapes were picked up. Audio interviews were also made with asylum seekers and other travellers who were in the area as well as soundscape recordings. Radiophonic work will be made mixing the found and recorded sounds, these will also be available on the site.

Intelligentes Projekt. Allerdings vermute ich, dass er auf den kaputten Tapes nur Fragmente der grössten Hits von Britney Spears finden wird - Zynismus beiseite!

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