Das erste Mal las ich davon in Maria McErlanes Kolumne für die Style Section der Londoner Sunday Times a, 18. August:

We then moved on to the rumour that a certain actress has had silicone foot implants so she can totter around more comfortably on her Manolos. My favourite gossip of the evening, though, was speculation about celebrity anal bleaching. (Apparently one can now have the skin around the rectum bleached to make it, er, more socially acceptable.)
Anal BLEACHING? Ich wandte mich ans Internet und fand den Anal Advisor:
Several people have written to me asking me about skin bleaching in the anal area. First, let me assure you that the way your ass looks now is perfectly normal; in most people, the puckered flesh of the anus is naturally a few shades darker - or a slightly different color - than the rest of their skin. For some people, the contrast is more extreme than others. Remember that everyone's ass is as unique as a fingerprint. Is it possible to lighten the skin of the anal opening? Skin bleaching products are used to suppress pigmentation in order to lighten the skin; the most common products contain either hydroquinone, kojic acid or mandelic acid and are available by prescription only; those sold without a prescription tend to be weaker or less effective. Recent studies have shown that azelaic acid, bearberry extract, and licorice extract may also have lightening agents. However, most of these products are not used on genital skin, since it is much more sensitive than other skin. Consult a dermatologist or a cosmetic surgeon about your options, and never attempt to use over-the-counter products on yourself. As for making it more pink, well that's a little trickier. (...)
Und dann gab es noch diese Stelle bei Spraggwoman:
When Mandi was Editor for Mademoiselle magazine she sent her staff out to find the new "in" thing in Hollywood, what's the new craze, the new fad, give me something juicy.  Her staff came back with various new trends, like yoga, Brazilian waxing, but nothing that was new and outrageous, until one girl raised her hand, but didn't really want to say because it was TOO insane.  Mandi of course being the boss insisted and so the girl began....

In some parts of Hollywood it's the new craze to have your anus area bleached blonde.  Why? I hear you ask.  Well apparently as you get older, your anus part gets darker, due I must assume to all the craps that one has over one's lifetime.  Anyway to make it look nice and new like a babies bottom no doubt they get it bleached.  Oh yes people, it's true.  I guess if your in the porn industry and your getting a bit long in the tooth but still want to have that new, young, bleached looking anus then this is clearly what you need to do.

Und jetzt versuche ich mir den Menschen vorzustellen, der zu einem anderen Menschen sagt, dass da vielleicht mal was getan werden sollte...

Danke! Ich lache jetzt ganz gut, hier :)))

es klappt

Schnellbleiche, sozusagen: vorher und nachher - eindeutige und für sich selbst sprechende Ergebnisse. (Nein, nein: ich habe mich keinem Selbstversuch unterzogen - keine Zeit -, das Bildmaterial zeigt Fremdgesäße) Die Liste der Indikationen für Wasserstoffperoxid muß nun wohl erweitert werden...


hollywood, ja? da würde ich ja doch mal gerne lässig am schaufenster vorbeischlendern. hat jemand eine adresse?